June 28, 2009

If you remember, a while ago I asked you to give me a name for a new character on The Crooked Trees of Hafford, Saskatchewan. Well, I checked for names similar to the ones you suggested in the Sasktel phone book for Hafford, and made 3 phone calls. From St. John's, Newfoundland to Hafford, Saskatchewan. After the phone call(s) my idea for the character has changed.

The winner is Forrest, with the name 'Birdie Walbrandt.' Congratulations. You'll meet Birdie soon.


Boyda said...

I had some vague idea that this Hafford blog existed, but I wasn't really aware.

Officially very, very excited.

Boyda said...

And this might not be the place to post this, but I'm officially terrified by those trees.

s$s said...

It is the place. And me too -at least, the Hafford me is.

Ah Boyda, you reading Hafford fills me with joy.