December 6, 2008

I went to Gus Van Sant's Milk last night. I didn't like it very much. Terrible soundtrack, bad script, good acting, uninteresting editing, good cinematography. Too bad.


Anonymous said...

I went to the new Gus Van Sant movie ‘Milk’ last night and my opinion is even worse! I thought the sound track was worse than terrible, and I thought it was even worse than a bad script. I, unlike you, thought the acting was terrible and NOT good. And as far as editing goes, I thought it was beneath contempt. I am surprised that you liked the cinematography, I would say –that; is too bad. So you can tell that I have a much better opinion of movies, a much more complicated approach with higher standards. You can tell I am a cool person because I don’t like the things that you like; I would say it was a terrible movie and anyone who says more is wrong (waving hands in baseball ‘safe’ position)..... am I cool enough for you yet?

Jon Coutts said...

ha ha. francois miron is funny.

it is too bad to hear. i had grown to anticipate van sant movies. paranoid park was good, but even with it i was underwhelmed.

nathan davies said...

did you just say you were underwhelmed with paranoid park jon? next time i see you i am going to punch you in the crotch.

nathan davies said...

i guess i should say that i am very much looking forward to seeing 'milk'. van sant rocks my world like few others in film do.

s$s said...


Gus Van Sant has a pretty good record of world rocking for me too, but I'll be surprised if 'Milk' does it for you Nathan. Not that it's a bad movie; just a little sentimental, more than a little conventional, and -Sean Penn's pretty great performance aside- relatively forgettable. It's about on par with 'Finding Forester.'


As for finding Paranoid Park underwhelming: I respect that. It's got to be subjective at some point, especially when it's a difference of degree.

Jon Coutts said...

can't wait to see nathan again.

for me paranoid park was good, just not great.

s$s said...

Yeah, remind me to cover myself next time I disagree with Nathan about a film.

Imaginary conversation:

Nathan: What did you think of John Huston's 'The Dead'?

Me: It was really good.

Nathan: What do you mean "it was really good"?! It was AMAZING.

Me: yeah, I liked it.

Nathan: Liked it?! LIKED it!?! It's an absolutely flawless piece of cinema; capable of changing your perspective on EVERYTHING. You're not allowed to just like it. You have to worship it!

Me: Ouch, my balls!