August 20, 2008

New EP Coming Soon

I've got a lot of songs kicking around in various levels of (in)completion, from written but not recorded to completely finished. Hundreds.

I did some clean-up on my computer this summer and accidentally erased dozens of demos and incomplete recordings (which were probably destined to never be finished -I don't think there were any lurking masterpieces), so that sucked. It also prompted me to go through the old recordings I've got that were thankfully not deleted. I found some songs I had completely forgotten about.

I've been wondering what to do with the best of these unreleased songs; the ones that don't quite feel right on an album, but which I am nevertheless fond of.

What I've decided to do is compile some of my favourite unreleased songs and put them out on an EP.

So yeah, I'm putting some finishing touches on an EP which I hope to have complete in the next couple weeks. I'm really happy with what I've got so far. Once it's done anyone who wants to can order it. I'll also post it in its entirety on myspace with the ability to download the songs.

I think I'm done with, for now, the singer-songwriter sound I've been obsessed with since Sinners. The new album (which I've already begun working on) is going to be huge and weird and unlike anything I've ever released before.

I'm thinking of this EP as a farewell to my acoustic guitar.

photo by Joel Hubick


Anonymous said...

By Pythagram's Ther-rum; I drink to thee, thy son of a stern soil-der whom hath fought for de Aerth.

Year, I mean Yearrrrr matey!

That picture was taken by John Johannison Jacob Jackel-Hinder-Shmit; who lives down on Cobbelberry Lane in Courtville Louisianna, Brogdenvile California Swashbucckellberry Bon Ivier Celestial Counterpart....

s$s said...

Go back to your video games.